Requests for Absence
Requests for absence during term time
Any absence that is not authorised by the school will be recorded as such and may make you liable for prosecution or fine under the Education Act (1996).
Here at Looe Community Academy, we recognise that there are occasions when it is appropriate to authorise an absence, such as when a student is genuinely too ill to attend school, has a medical appointment that cannot be taken outside of school hours or a request for leave has been agreed on exceptional circumstances.
However, the Government does not support parents/carers taking students out of school unless the school agrees this is appropriate under ‘exceptional circumstances’. Any request for leave should be made in writing to the Headteacher, well in advance of the requested date.
If you decide to still take your child out of school, without permission, you will be committing an offence under the Education Act 1996. We may refer the matter to Cornwall Council who may decide to take legal action against you. A penalty notice can be issued under Section 444A and 444B of the Education Act 1996. This carries a fine per parent, per child of £60 if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid after this but within 28 days. Failure to pay the penalty notice will result in Court action. Persistent absences not authorised by the school may result in a prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court, leading to fines up to £2,500 and / or custodial sentences.
You are welcome to contact the school to discuss any concerns you may have regarding this. We are committed to maximising the education of all our students and aim to work with parents/carers to ensure this can be achieved.