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Report Guidance

KS3 and 4 Reporting Guidance

Please see below, details of how our current grading system is assessed. The Progress Trackers (at the bottom of this page) are used by teaching staff to determine the predicted grades found on interim and full reports. Please ensure that you select the correct Progress Tracker as these vary depending on various examinations being taken (KS4 only) i.e. BTEC, GCSE etc.

The current grades are explained below:

Current levels are graded using the following codes (arranged in ascending order):

W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

W levels, i.e. W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 and W6 are grades that precede current GCSE levels.

Within each numbered level, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, there are sub-levels. So, within level 1 you could be graded as 1- (low), 1 (secure), 1+ (high) and so on.

The new national standard is set to be a grade 5 at GCSE.

A student’s GCSE Target Grade is an aspirational target based on their KS2 results.

For further information please visit the Government website on:

We have also provided (at the very bottom of the page) guidelines on how teaching staff ascertain levels for ‘Attitude for Learning’, ‘Behaviour for Learning’ and ‘Homework Engagement’.

Should you require any further clarification please contact the school.

Find the following Progress Trackers below:

  • GCSE progress tracker
  • Science trilogy progress tracker
  • PE one year course progress tracker
  • One year course progress tracker
  • BTEC one year course progress tracker
  • BTEC progress tracker
  • Art BTEC one year course progress tracker
  • Art GCSE progress tracker
  • Music progress tracker
  • Music BTEC one year course progress tracker

GCSE Progress tracker

Science Trilogy Progress tracker

PE One year course Progress tracker

One year course Progress tracker

BTEC One year course Progress tracker

BTEC Progress tracker

Art BTEC One year course Progress tracker

Art GCSE Progress tracker

Music BTEC Progress tracker

Music BTEC One year course Progress tracker

Guidelines on how teaching staff ascertain levels for ‘Attitude for Learning’, ‘Behaviour for Learning’ and ‘Homework Engagement