Careers Newsletter March 2023
Careers Education is more than which job you want when you grow up. It’s about inspiring young people to want to experience life and have a drive to discover who they are. This is reflected in our school mission state and motto:
“Everyone is valued for who they are and what they may become” 'Bydh gwella gylli' - ‘Be the Best You Can Be’.
At Looe Community Academy there is a long standing commitment to the belief that developing the skills, knowledge and attributes necessary for adult working life is a vital part of every student’s learning. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programmes (CEIAG) make a major contribution to preparing our young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they need to succeed. It is our responsibility as a school to raise awareness of the range of careers, career pathways and training opportunities on offer to enable students to make the right choices at key transition points and leave compulsory education or training, fully equipped for their chosen path(s) ahead. We would like to share with you how you can support your child on this journey through our new newsletter.