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bydh gwella gylli - be the best you can be

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Welcome to Looe Community Academy

Although we are a small school we offer a broad curriculum and a wide range of qualifications at Key Stage 4.  We provide a friendly and caring environment in which to learn, whilst expecting high standards of engagement, behaviour and achievement. Our exam results are consistently good, demonstrating progress for students regardless of their ability.

Headteacher - Mr S Yalden

Upcoming Events

  • You place great emphasis on ensuring that the curriculum is suited to the needs of pupils - Ofsted 2019

  • Something I enjoyed was: meeting all the staff. They seem very nice and I met 4 new friends - New Year 7 Student

  • I love our Academy because it is sweet and small and everyone is really friendly and welcoming - Student

  • Pupils are highly positive about the opportunities that are offered and feel that they are encouraged to take on leadership opportunities. They are articulate, positive ambassadors and feel that their successes are recognised and valued - Ofsted 2019

  • I have enjoyed having art and maths. I have also made a new friend in year 11, she is nice - New Year 7 Student

  • Pupils say that they feel safe in school and commented on the positive relationships that exist between older and younger pupils - Ofsted 2019

  • This school is 100 percent better than my old school. My favourite lessons are Science, Computer Science, Maths and English - New Year 7 Student

  • I like our school because we get to learn more every day - Student

  • Pupils told inspectors that bullying is rare, and that they have a trusted adult to speak to if issues arise. The majority of parents, carers and staff agree that this is a positive aspect of the school environment - Ofsted 2019

  • I have enjoyed doing science since we have been doing experiments and learning - New Year 7 Student

  • This school helps children through tough times and helps us learn new things every day and the teachers make so much effort to help people - Student

Get in touch

Arrangements for after Christmas

Year 7 - if your child is in dance this term, they move to drama after Christmas. If they are in drama now, they move to dance.

Year 8 and 9 - if your child is in art this term, they move to dance after Christmas, dance moves to drama, drama moves to art.